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BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion 


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 Post subject: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:43 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Hey guys,so as the title says,after cat & exhaust change it only made the inlet manifold leak much worse,so ordered some fg inlet manifold gasket kit and a new fg cold side heater pipe and used the fg manifold from the xg + K & N panel filter and got to work on making it all good,working well so far smooth low idle (compared to nearly 1500 rpm with the leaky ba bbm) very nice throttle response.



File comment: BA with FG inlet manifold.
IMG_20180913_58492.jpg [ 46.48 KiB | Viewed 599 times ]



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 5:01 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Thought I'd take a vid of what it sounds like with the pacies/venom cat/middle delete pipe and rear redback sports muffler before I add a middle redback muffler,will do one after too.



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:41 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Hey guys,the ba engine has adapted well to the mods so far (the more I drive it the better it gets) although its not possible to get the full potential from what I've done so far without a tune-it does make me wonder how the engine would react to using the E-flex E85 set up as it is now.
Anyone got some input on the E-flex with similar mods?



File comment: Better engine bay shot.
IMG_20180918_27722.jpg [ 65.57 KiB | Viewed 511 times ]



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2018 10:56 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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That's very good mate. I doubt I will be doing anything similar any time soon as my BA eng is too old.

 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2018 2:00 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Papa Smurf wrote:
That's very good mate. I doubt I will be doing anything similar any time soon as my BA eng is too old.


Thanks Papa smurf,the fg manifold really unlocks the potential of the barra-really nice to drive now.
You mentioned before you were going to lower your BA,Im wanting to do the same but don't want to go to low-so I'm thinking maybe just lowering it to XR spec with some good shocks-any advice papa smurf?

Cheers Johnny.



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:52 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Hey guys,never got around to details of the conversion, as in parts needed and how to etc...

Parts list:
FG I6 manifold (try and get all the following at the same time)
FG fuel rail (complete with reg and quick connect hoses)
FG manifold bolts (BA-BF are too short)
Lower brackets and bolts.
FG front lift bracket (as you cannot use BA-BF)
FG manifold side brackets and bolts.
Fuel rail spacers I got from K&H Harris bolt shop 4-5mm thick.
5mm aluminium plate to make a plate between FG mani and BA TB
FG manifold gaskets (if needed)
FG TB gasket (if needed)
Tube of ultrablue silicone sealant

Will add more info soon...
Cheers Johnny.



File comment: New FG manifold gaskets (oring style)
IMG_20180819_55659.jpg [ 84.62 KiB | Viewed 530 times ]
File comment: FGcold side heater pipe.
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IMG_20180819_38858.jpg [ 84.74 KiB | Viewed 495 times ]



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:51 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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So starting with removing the fuel pump relay and start the car till stall to relieve the fuel pressure in the rail,then remove the airbox,intake tube,disconnect all the injectors and TB,disconnect quick release fuel connections from rail hoses,remove TB and fuel rail,remove the whole thermostat housing from the head with top still attached,the aircon pump needs unding from engine without undoing the piping losing the gas-undo A/C bracket from engine to get the crank sensor wiring through,around this point you may need to jack the car up (place on stands/never ever get under any car with only the jack!)so you can get at the lower manifold bolts and brackets from underneath the car,the lower rear bracket will need you to loosen the starter motor bolts to pull the starter away from the engine to get the bottom back bolt out. (BA-BF mani bolts and brackets)

Will add more info soon.........
Cheers Johnny.



File comment: New gaskets in
IMG_20180819_58636-1.jpg [ 76.62 KiB | Viewed 438 times ]
File comment: I had to remove the thermo housing from head before manifold would go in.
IMG_20180819_15599-1.jpg [ 79.34 KiB | Viewed 453 times ]



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:41 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Okay once the BA-BF manifold is out you can remove the the cold side heater pipe,the FG heater pipe comes with a long and shorter pipe,undo the bolt retaining the small pipe and throw small pipe over left shoulder for luck,I had some stainless steel door hooks that I made into the heater pipe brackets as it mounts different from missing the small pipe and bracket,I made a stencil of the FG manifold flange to make the aluminum plate and work out where to drill the new holes in the BA throttle body.



File comment: Making the flange adapter.
IMG_20181029_291.jpg [ 53.38 KiB | Viewed 429 times ]
File comment: Aluminum plate to seal between the FG manifold and BA throttle body.
file-7.jpg [ 35.61 KiB | Viewed 458 times ]
File comment: The spacers to fit the FG rail with BA injectors.
file-9.jpg [ 27.89 KiB | Viewed 484 times ]
File comment: FG vs BA-BF cold side heater pipes.
IMG_20180819_16183.jpg [ 62.4 KiB | Viewed 413 times ]



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 4:11 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Hey guys, will add as much info as I can about the conversion,but I thought a bit of background on the car may be relevant,so I bought the car awhile back cheap and running terrible,I knew it had a partially blocked cat and possibly a vacuum leak (was hoping minor leak),so did full exhaust 4495 pacemakers and venom cat & redback mufflers, also did full service cleaned the injectors/new plugs coils,car got worse,checked DTC's again and still had TB codes and engine shut down code-new symptom was after starting the car and letting it come down to idle (between 12 -1500 rpm) once you put it in gear it would go straight into engine shut down making the car almost undriveable,the only way to get it to go into gear without shutting down was to put it in gear whilst the rpm is dropping which the gearbox did not like at all-once in gear it drove okay,so after illiminating everything else including 2 different TB's,it was time to bite the bullet and do the manifold gasket-better yet If I have to take out the stupid BBM why not mod up and put the FG manifold in and while am at it upgrade all the radiator hoses and a K&N panel filter too.

Will add more info soon...........
Cheers Johnny.



File comment: DTC's.
IMG_20181030_48447.jpg [ 71.68 KiB | Viewed 415 times ]
File comment: K&N,brakes stuff.
IMG_20181030_1690.jpg [ 47.25 KiB | Viewed 399 times ]
File comment: Exhaust system.
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XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 5:59 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Hey guys, just remember that I am doing this from memory so I may have to edit a couple of posts along the way,swap out the map sensor to BA in the FG manifold,nows the best time to remove the wiring conduit so the wires extend for injectors and TB wiring (which they will easily) then once you've done that you can put some of the conduit back on and tape up.The only one that needed its wires extended was the MAP sensor in which I cut the plug off the ute with as long wiring as I could and cut the plug off the BA loom fairly close to the plug-soldered the MAP plug off the ute on the BA loom thereby extending it by 4-5 inchs,BA heater pipes have like a cross over pipe between the hot and cold side heater pipes near where the heater pipes enter the cabin-FG cross's over on the cold side using the small pipe that was thrown over left shoulder for luck,so to replicate the BA cross over you just need to cut the end off the BA heater pipe that has the barb and pipe which you add back in the heater hose that enters the cab,will add pics to help with that.

Will add more info soon.........
Cheers Johnny.



File comment: Better shot of cross over pipe.
IMG_20181030_31881.jpg [ 44.16 KiB | Viewed 409 times ]
File comment: MAP plug with extra wire and heat shrink.
IMG_20181030_34789.jpg [ 81.43 KiB | Viewed 397 times ]
File comment: The peice to cut off BA heater pipe for cross over
IMG_20180819_16183-1.jpg [ 12.23 KiB | Viewed 5008 times ]
File comment: Heater pipe cross over.
IMG_20181030_32977.jpg [ 56.49 KiB | Viewed 436 times ]



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:12 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Hey guys, been trying to show you the heater pipe brackets as they are rather important-they mount on outside of the bottom of the manifold with the FG manifold bolts around runner 2-3 and 4-5,you'll know when you're working it out, also pic of the BA oil dipstick shaped to fit with the front side bracket.

Will get better pics of brackets fitted etc tomorrow
Will add more info soon...........
Cheers Johnny.



File comment: BA dipstick-FG manifold.
IMG_20181030_4368.jpg [ 54.55 KiB | Viewed 455 times ]
File comment: FG heater pipe brackets left.
XG radiator-EF thermo fan brackets right.

IMG_20181030_50863.jpg [ 62.38 KiB | Viewed 406 times ]



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:26 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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Sorry it took so long for me to answer, sorry.

I have standard XR shocks and springs to add, new lwr front control arms, new upper inner bushes, ball joints. I also have the upgraded BF and calipers plus discs to add.
I have brand new rear arms and and also will be pulling out the cradle to change it's bushes. I have been waiting for the weather to be a little better. :)
 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:27 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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BTW Johnny, I so love all the work you have done and thanks for keeping us informed with the pics. :)
 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:06 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Hey guys,so once you sort out the wiring and heater pipes,you can put the TB and rail/injectors on before or after (easier to get to the manifold bolts with them out of the way though)you may notice my TB is upside down this is to make more room for the wiring to reach and has no negative effect on how it works,FG gasket on manifold side and Ultra Blue on the TB side do up finger tight let UB cure for 15 minutes and tighten,rail goes in with the spacers of course,loosely put the cold side pipe in before putting the manifold in to line up with the heater pipe brackets,then you can put the thermostat housing back on the head-I used the same metal gasket with a thin layer of Ultra Blue on either side 15/cure/tighten.

Hope this is all making some sort of sense

Will add more info soon...............
Cheers Johnny.



File comment: More vacuum lines and extended brake booster pipe.
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File comment: Closer look of vacuum lines etc....
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File comment: Front cold side heater pipe bracket.
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File comment: Upside down TB.
IMG_20181031_56213.jpg [ 34.45 KiB | Viewed 438 times ]



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

 Post subject: Re: BA Falcon I6 FG Manifold Conversion
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:27 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Papa Smurf wrote:
Sorry it took so long for me to answer, sorry.

I have standard XR shocks and springs to add, new lwr front control arms, new upper inner bushes, ball joints. I also have the upgraded BF and calipers plus discs to add.
I have brand new rear arms and and also will be pulling out the cradle to change it's bushes. I have been waiting for the weather to be a little better. :)

Hey Papa Smurf,I think I am going with XR springs and shocks too as I have BA-XR wheels now,roads are too s**t to go lower,I just had to do brakes-didn't think of going bigger though (maybe one day) did front slotted rotors/bendix pads,rear generic pads and all new braided brake hoses,would love to see whats involved in the brake upgrade though,thanks again for your comments mate.
Cheers Johnny.



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

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