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Dashboard LED conversion cost chart "Now available" 


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 Post subject: Dashboard LED conversion cost chart "Now available"
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:12 am 
Getting Side Ways
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Howdy folks.

After doing some research, I have made a small Excel file that calculates how much a LED conversion will cost, based on how many globes in the dash you are changing.

I've based the Globe holders on Thomson Fords pricing, and the LEDS based on {DESCRIPTION}

Its here.

Have fun.

EDIT: Macca has uploaded the Excel chart, he didn't realise he had it saved.



leds.xls [14.5 KiB]
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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:30 am 
Getting Side Ways
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Nice one! So the LED conversion includes LED + new bulbs/holders?

If so the calculations get audit sign-off :wink:

Do people seriously spend $100+ on thse conversions?!?!



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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:38 am 
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I have done two dash conversions using this guy. ... 46110&rd=1

screw paying $100+



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Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:39 am 
Getting Side Ways
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{USERNAME} wrote:
I have done two dash conversions using this guy. ... 46110&rd=1
screw paying $100+

If you are a mad keen solderer, heat shrinker, and want to spend a lot of time fiddling around, sure! I haven't got the time, patience, skill or equipment.

If you just want quick plug and play solution, then this is the way that you could go.
NOTE: I just did this for interest, and to try and head off the once a day "How do I do the blue dash?" post. Which is why I wanted it sticky :-)

{USERNAME} wrote:
Nice one! So the LED conversion includes LED + new bulbs/holders?

Yes. the LED goes straight into the holder. However, the holders, (as supplied by Ford) already have a globe in them. They are $5.35 each. (Price from Thomson Ford)
If you could get the LED/holder already made (I've heard NARVA do them? part# 47900 from memory??) and it was less than $6.35 a piece, then you'd be better off getting the premade ones.

Unfortunately the Blue globe holders (the most common ones) don't have removable globes, and thus are no good for this conversion.

{USERNAME} wrote:
Do people seriously spend $100+ on thse conversions?!?!

If done in this way, it easily could. depends on how many globes you change.
Try deleting the values except the main dial globes (6). This is usually the only ones people change.

I'm thinking of doing the Indicators, and High Beam indicator as they are very dim during the day and always have been. they aren't too flash at night either.
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 7:52 am 
Getting Side Ways
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{USERNAME} wrote:
I have done two dash conversions using this guy. ... 46110&rd=1

screw paying $100+

I used the same guy for my dash conversion, peice of piss!

$100??? you guys are fukin mad!!!
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:32 am 
Getting Side Ways
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Some people have seemed to miss the point of an excel spreadsheet you can customise :-) I've changed it to view what happens if you change ONLY the dial globes.... which seems to be what most people do!

NOTE you can CHANGE the number of LEDs you are doing by simply putting the number in the spreadsheet :-) I hope thats cleared it up

And once again, this is for people who haven't got the time/patience/skill/courage/equipment to go soldering their dashboards, or fiddling with resistors!
For those who want to do it manually, and DO have the time/patience/skill/courage/equipment to do it, then go for it!
Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:02 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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OK I went and read your spread sheet (which I thought was pretty well done too) and have a couple of questions.
1- The standard lights in the dash are they non removeable bulbs?
2- If not then I did not quite follow your spread sheet why do you need to buy holders?



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Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:45 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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haha check it out ... RK:MEWN:IT




Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:33 pm 
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I got a few questions and things to add:

I made my own for an au dash (5000mcd blue) worked great came up good but hence no needles light up. I added two 7000mcd red into the speed/tacho was enough to leave the rest blue but didnt like the mix of colours so took them all out and replace them with the standard bulbs again. Anyway im planning on putting in white cluster backing and thinking of going all red but jaycar has either really high mcd or low mcd leds. What part number would i require from narva for their lights? Would i still require ford bulb holders?

I heard xcoppa got blue narvas they didnt fit so he bent the pins and burnout his dash iv been through that before with a friends dash and certainaly dont want to do it to mine.

When people made their leds or purchase narva leds did you find if you put them on during the day or at dusk that the light was very focused on one point and looked crappy not spread like normal bulbs. I shaved the heads off the leds as well and during the night you can see see points brither then others.. still same problem with the narvas?
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 1:06 am 
Getting Side Ways
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{USERNAME} wrote:
I got a few questions and things to add:

I made my own for an au dash (5000mcd blue) worked great came up good but hence no needles light up. I added two 7000mcd red into the speed/tacho was enough to leave the rest blue but didnt like the mix of colours so took them all out and replace them with the standard bulbs again. Anyway im planning on putting in white cluster backing and thinking of going all red but jaycar has either really high mcd or low mcd leds. What part number would i require from narva for their lights? Would i still require ford bulb holders?

I heard xcoppa got blue narvas they didnt fit so he bent the pins and burnout his dash iv been through that before with a friends dash and certainaly dont want to do it to mine.

When people made their leds or purchase narva leds did you find if you put them on during the day or at dusk that the light was very focused on one point and looked crappy not spread like normal bulbs. I shaved the heads off the leds as well and during the night you can see see points brither then others.. still same problem with the narvas?

too make the neddals show up u could get a bit of uv paint and put it on the neddals then just put sum uv leds in as well so that it makes the uv paint glow, shouldnt cost much (uv paint is clear in the absonce of uv light)



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Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2005 10:33 am 
Getting Side Ways
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{USERNAME} wrote:
OK I went and read your spread sheet (which I thought was pretty well done too)

{USERNAME} wrote:
and have a couple of questions.
{USERNAME} wrote:
1- The standard lights in the dash are they non removeable bulbs?

Some are, and some aren't. There are two types of holders/globes.
The first, (and most common kind) are a non-removable globe, in a blue holder. (Ford part # EF-10B765-C)
The second is a holder, with a removable globe (usually black in colour, althoughy I had one white one in my Dash) and I'm guessing that it was revised design. (Ford part # EF-10B765-D)

My dash had a combo of Blue and a couple of black globes. I was able to get some black ones, (thanx Dave :-D) and so complete my dash.
If I was to venture a guess, I'd say that the Black ones would be more common in late build EL's. Mine was an early build EL (Nov 96) so had a mixture. EF's I would guess have all Blue globes
{USERNAME} wrote:
2- If not then I did not quite follow your spread sheet why do you need to buy holders?

If you have the black ones, (or the odd white one) in your dash, then simply change the globe for a led in the holder.
But if your replacing a blue one, you need the holder as well

hope its cleared up :-)
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 6:11 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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Yep cleared it up good. I found out that the LED online shop is actually a 20 min drive from my mums place to so will probably go and check it out.



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Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2005 7:26 pm 
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{USERNAME} wrote:
Yep cleared it up good. I found out that the LED online shop is actually a 20 min drive from my mums place to so will probably go and check it out.

Make sure you get us lots of pics and results.



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Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:01 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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okay the package got delivered today

everything that it comes with is fine to do the mod?
and are the metal bits globe holders?




Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:21 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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laximah(rod) did mine i paid $25 and i still have spare globes :) and i know how to do it myself now



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