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 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:37 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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Hey there LWM992welcome to Fordmods, I changed over the window regs in my AU 1 XR6 to Electric and it was a job I would NOT do again. You will IDEALLY need NEW harnesses for the doors, and make sure you have the High series BCM (under the right side of the dash) Yours will be a little easier as you have a Ute.

Also, you will need the Power window circuit breaker to put in the fuse box under the dash.

If yours is before 03/2000 the door harnesses will be different to the later models. The colour of the BCM for pre 03/200 is Yellow and for after that date, Pink. The only other thing I could think of is the Dash harness MAY be different??
 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:48 pm 
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Thanks mate, appreciate it!
 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:04 am 
Smokin em up
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Hey all...
I was told that Lithium grease would fix the problem.... has anyone else used it?



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 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:38 am 
Getting Side Ways
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silicon spray where the windows run and lithium spray grease on the actual regulator runners,
the plastic slide for the window runs on the back faces of the metal regulator runner (door trim off)
ps try not to get any on the cables as this can make them slip inside the drive
 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 5:19 pm 
Oompa Loompa

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Front passengers window would not even go down
Thought i would have to buy a new regulator
Sprayed some wd-40 on it and it was fine the next morning
 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:03 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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i would advise NOT to use silicone spray or lithium spray as dust/dirt helps it turn to a thick paste

ive revived two of my windows that i originally messed up with silicone grease, by degreasing the living s**t out of the runners where all the wet lubricant had clagged up. Rinsed with water/scrwdriver/rag, then applied graphite powder which is a dry lubricant
 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:04 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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spray silicon down the sides of the glass, where the glass fits into the rubbers :)

Works a treat, works instantly, no screw drivers and it doesnt f**k up.

Done it on two cars now for years, every twelve months (usually summer when it needs it) and it doesnt clog, in my experience.



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 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:04 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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graphite is a good idea ;)



it can be fast and cheap,but it wont be reliable
it can be reliable and cheap,but it wont be fast
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 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:25 am 
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hi guy's the main reason that the electric and manual windows stick is due to the guides if you get some silicone spray lubricant and spray it down the rubber guides and wile it's wet run the windows up and down this will stop the glass binding witch causes most of the problems with broken cables you do need to do this about every 6 weeks and you will never need to repace the regulators again untill the finaly wear out this also works on other makes too and it dosen't matter if there manual or electric windows and the same goes for the door locks door handles only brake due to wearing out if it's all keep lubed i live in a very dusty enviroment but have had the same trouble as most of you guys have mentioned and found the cures having owened to many fords to list and as always you have to fix the things that frequantly get neglected like windows door locks and the usual bits and pices after year of doing these you get used to working out how to prevent future trouble as for the window treatment i sugest it chep to do and i have done this to a EF futura and the windows would come down but not back up after treating it and working it it took five minutes and they worked like new and still do had a similar problem with my EF GLI wagon manual windows same treatment and good as new i find that i have to redo them every 6 weeks but i drive down dirt roads regularly. you can also buy the eletric window regs brand new but don't go to ford if you can find a parts importer like we have in Perth SSS imports they sell new regs for about $150ea and there better than origonal and ford in Preth get theres from the same place but charge heaps more same goes for the wreckers if they tell you it's new they will charge at least $300ea and get them from the same place hope this helps
 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 11:50 pm 
Oompa Loompa

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Anyone know where I can get power windows put into my ef falcon?
 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 11:30 am 
Getting Side Ways
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I'm gonna give this a go, as my windows fall inwards as they are wound up

 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 10:57 pm 
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I was told graphite powder works well.
Have some at the moment, just gotta try and figure out how to get it in the tracks without it going all through the car.
Front windows are starting to get a little stuck near the top and are getting a bit slow too.



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 Post subject: Re:
Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:41 pm 
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{USERNAME} wrote:
I just used silicon spray on my front electric windows and they're quicker than ever now. Very easy to do :)

I think this is a good tip for me....thanks I'll try it....




 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 6:43 pm 
Oompa Loompa

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I recently bought an el xr8 and I am slowly fixing it up.

currently Im working on the front power windows. The drivers side went down but it wouldnt come back up without a lot of I went ahead and bought brand new regulators for both front windows.

After pulling the doortrim off the drivers side I noticed that the rubber the window runs in is completely screwed. evidence of a previous attempt to fix with grease and gaffa tape :x

Now I want to recondition the whole lot while im stuffing around.

Has anybody removed the whole window to replace the rubber? how do you get the glass out? can the rubbers still be bought new?

any help appreciated
 Post subject: Re: Power Window Maintenance
Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:55 pm 
Tyre Shredder
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{USERNAME} wrote:
I recently bought an el xr8 and I am slowly fixing it up.

currently Im working on the front power windows. The drivers side went down but it wouldnt come back up without a lot of I went ahead and bought brand new regulators for both front windows.

After pulling the doortrim off the drivers side I noticed that the rubber the window runs in is completely screwed. evidence of a previous attempt to fix with grease and gaffa tape :x

Now I want to recondition the whole lot while im stuffing around.

Has anybody removed the whole window to replace the rubber? how do you get the glass out? can the rubbers still be bought new?

any help appreciated

removed windows a few times, pretty self explanatory when you look at them, lower the undo the two bolts with a 10mm sicket holding the glass to the reg, probably best do have window down, so access is easy and if it drops less travel distance, undo the outer window trim (2 screws on frame, or maybe 1 and it slots into mirror?) and slide it out, may need to manouevre on an agle but it's easy, then the rubber slides out, probably stiff, ithas guides it sits on too.
hope that help mate, dunno if you can buy new though. wreckers should do it but.



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