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Should I buy a car on gas? 


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 Post subject: Should I buy a car on gas?
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 6:55 pm 
Smokin em up

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Hi guys just after some advice I am currently looking to upgrade and get an FG falcon looking at 2012 onwards, and one of the biggest decisions I've come across so far is whether to go for one on gas or to stick with petrol. Just trying to find out some pros and cons

Just wondering what thoughts everyone has about gas vs petrol? I've heard there's a part with the dedicated gas cars that needs replacing around the 180,000km Mark and is a bit costly to replace, is that true?

Thanks for any advice!

 Post subject: Re: Should I buy a car on gas?
Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:38 am 
Fordmods Junkie
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seeing as you have asked a coupla times ... i'll try and answer.

buying a car that runs petrol/gas is personal preferance .... have had a few differant cars with duel fuel & had no major problems ... no more than running on petrol only. My current car is the yellow peril aka 2002 AU x taxi which i mainly run on lpg. also what will be the main use of the car?. personally i have no problem buying any duel fuel car - as long as car looks/appears to have been looked after.

as to the part needing replacement ? ... no idea sorry.

the only main thing that springs to mind [which someone down here reminded me :roll: ] is that lpg only means that when tanks empty your stuck on the side of the road ... which i replied to her .... watch your fuel gauge :mrgreen: . if your waay out in country areas past the black stump it may pay to have either petrol only or duel fuel just in case. i was tempted not long back to try an x taxi lpg only wagoon to see what it was like.... but i have access to heaps of lpg servo's here
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