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Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD 


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 Post subject: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:28 am 
Tyre Shredder
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Please help us locate my daughters black R33 coupe, reg 932 msp. It's a 96 series 2 with 17" chrome mags, x- force exhaust. Has custom fiberglass sub box with new clarion sub and amp. Was in near perfect condition and hope it is still if we get it back.

It was stolen between 8.20am and 5.30pm from Murrajong street Springwood.


This is my daughters first car, and she is very upset over it, so if anyone can help please do.

My lovely daughter has been letting me use it to commute To work since my engine died in my XRT.
 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:34 am 
Parts Gopher

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That absolutely sucks mate, it was done in the daytime.

Bunch of game buggers, i hope you get it back.

I reckon the law should work like, if they steal your car and police get it back, you should get something valuable of theirs. It's never going to happen but would be good.
 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:43 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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I'll keep an eye out mate, I'm in the area quite a bit. Throw it up on Boostcruising aswell. It seems there has been a spate of Nissan imports being stolen from the area in the last few weeks.



ILL60 - EF XR8, Sunroof, Ticky Kit, 19x8.5/19x11 TE37's, 347, AFr185's, TFS BoxRcustom converter, Hurst Quarterstick, huge billet cam.

OO0Y4 - BA2 XR6 Turbo, Nizpro Plenum, Process West stage 3 cooler, 4” dump, 3.5” exhaust, ID1000’s, ZF Auto - 11.8@116

 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 4:51 pm 
Tyre Shredder
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Yes I've put it up on Boostcruising as well.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Daughter told me a friend of hers told her a friend of his had his XR6 stolen from just around the corner from where daughters was taken.

Cant beleive they took daughters one being non turbo, and since there is a nice blue turbo r33 that parks near by.

I had been on to her about the huge 5" X-Force cannon about how loud it is, but she would not change it.
Maybe the scum though it was a turbo because of the exhaust.... would have been disappointed as soon as he nailed it.
Daughters only on her L's and this is her first car so thats why its non turbo.
Only just ticked over 100 000ks, very tidy car, and she loves it, I feel its a very
safe car for her as it handles well, has dual airbags and no huge power to
get it out of shape.
You have to rev it to get it to perform as they dont have any down low grunt.
Find for a learner driver.

Hope we get it back but not damaged or abused, will defiently know the brand new Clarion Sub and Amp wont be there.

Hers a picture of it so far.
Will get more up tonight.

 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:14 pm 
Tyre Shredder
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Thanks Guys.

Daughter has sent me some more pictures through.




 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:21 pm 
Stock as a Rock
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well sorry to hear about your daughters car mate i hope you get it back intact. but i do hope you catch up with them though




 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:49 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Sorry to hear mate will keep my eyes and ears peeled but sadly can't offer much confidence in the recovery. never know though.



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 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:01 pm 
Tyre Shredder
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Just locked, and imobilizer

Think really if someone wants a car they will take it.
Need to do things to hamper them that arnt common.

Will be rigging up a hidden kill switch from now on on all our cars.
Even then it could be taken by a tilt tray.
No one bothers to care anymore these days and they probably just think its a breakdown recovery.

Thing is I had to park it up the road from work on side of road as where I work hasn't got enough parking space.

The dumped white r33 looked like it didnt have key hole or no broken glass anywhere near where either car was.
Probably just used some sort of jimmy bar thing, may even used tilt tray.
Probably the least conspicious way to do it concidering broad daylight and in a busy area.
Who would think any different????
 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 12:19 am 
Getting Side Ways

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sorry to hear this mate :( looks nice to



NF Fairlane Ghia, Brand New Leather Interior, Wallnut All Through, 800W RMS JL Audio Sound System, Lowered King Springs And Monroe GT Shocks, Custom BA/GT Air Intake, Holley Highflow, Simmons B45's, Going To Be Supercharged At 9-12psi With Stage 4 Head And Cam With Pacemakers And 3" Exhaust

 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:16 am 
Getting Side Ways

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Sorry to hear about the car. I truly hope she gets it back.
Seems the whole country is going to the dogs, in NSW the last 2 weeks 4 elderly people have been assaulted and robbed. :(
 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:28 am 
Tyre Shredder
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Feel for people these days, like back in my youth in the 70-80's you could go out with no risks of being mugged.
You could leave your bike in the front yard and it would be there the next morning

These days have changed so badly

Probably comes down to no disapline in the schools, which then comes down to the police
not being able to do much about crimes committed by juivenile's.
Kids these days know, they are untouchable.
Worst schools can do is send them home for a holiday.
The police just get abused and laughed at.
Parents cant smack the kids or they have Child Protection on there backs

The morals of these people who can harm the elderly, hope carma gets them or a group of people catch them in the act.

Yes its going to the dogs, and our children have to live it.
 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 10:13 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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if you know anyone in the local mob just put out the word you need a certain part that you know could of only come from her car

i know heaps of people from my younger days, few weeks ago my mum lost her car keys in a busy shopping centre and i rang my mate who practically knows everyone in that area within 20mins i got a phone call telling me a certain person found them and was going around all the hyundais trying to fit the key to the right car he was told it was my mums and handed them in lolz , awsome when you know people



Crank Assembly balanced, HV oil pump, ACL Trimetal bearings, "1 extra oil clearance taking to around 0.0650-0.0700 on mains and big ends, Moly rings,, Xr6 Cam, POD ( Possibly oversize injectors), Block, Head, Timing cover, belt idler, Alternator,painted in ford light blue

 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 3:14 am 
Getting Side Ways
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ill keep a look out for it pkr. im new QLD from VIC so im still getting use to the areas but if i see it around can u pm send me ur number so i call straight away. cheers
 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:17 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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pkr, I read on boostcruising that someone found the car. Congrats, very favorable outcome. It was located in Arundle, approximately 50m from the local Mosque............



ILL60 - EF XR8, Sunroof, Ticky Kit, 19x8.5/19x11 TE37's, 347, AFr185's, TFS BoxRcustom converter, Hurst Quarterstick, huge billet cam.

OO0Y4 - BA2 XR6 Turbo, Nizpro Plenum, Process West stage 3 cooler, 4” dump, 3.5” exhaust, ID1000’s, ZF Auto - 11.8@116

 Post subject: Re: Daughters R33 Stolen from Murrajong st Springwood QLD
Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:51 am 
Tyre Shredder
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Found, thanks guys for keeping a eye out.

Police have car for finger printing and the st vinnies across
Road has a large security cam pointing right towards where
They ditched it.
Fuel gauge still shows it's got fuel so hope they didn't break
Anything in the driveline.
Fair bit of damage but all repairable.
Took sub, amp, rear speakers, go via transmitter
Left the fiberglass sub box.
Strange left the Sony headunit, maybe because it does not
Keep memory???
Also didn't take the pa siren thing daughter has sitting loose
Under headunit.

Took sons booster seat, blue and black in colour lime a sports
Car seat style, think auger brand, everlast sunshade with
Hot babe in boxing gear on it. some of my sons cloths wife
Had in a green bag.
The weird things the scum take.

Daughters slot happier now but is upset of the damage
And is thinking of selling it as she is scared it will only
Get pinched again.

Going to fit a gps tracker and hidden kill switch this time around.

Will keep everyone posted on the outcome of the police, insurance
Findings and response.

Cheers to all, and thanks

The Internet can be a great tool.
And people that do still care about others.
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