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Fordmods v3.0 Updates 


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 Post subject: Fordmods v3.0 Updates
Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:28 pm 
Site Admin
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Age: 42

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Joined: 18th Dec 2002

Gallery: 6 images


Power: 270 rwkw

Location: Sydney
NSW, Australia

Hi All,

Hopefully you're all settling into the new layout and I'd like to thank everyone for their patience while a few of the bugs are ironed out. I think we're getting close to fixing most of the niggling issues. There are a couple of new features on the website that people may have overlooked and might want to take advantage of.

1) Inline attachments
This allows you to use the 'Add Attachment' option when you are making a post, or replying and then decide where in your message you want the image to appear. Previously, all images would simply display at the bottom of the post which wasn't ideal for everyone. Hopefully this will mean you wont have to resize/uplaod photos externally and then link them here. For those people still wishing to link externally, please keep your images to less than 720px wide.

2) Gallery
The photo gallery has received a massive overhaul. It's quicker and easier to navigate and now allows you to rate images, and leave comments on images. The upload process is much simpler, and keeping track of all your images can be done easily by using the 'Manage my images' link in the gallery or clicking on your imagecount under the My Fordmods section on the home page.

3) Search
Firstly - search is unavailable at the moment. We're having a few problems getting the index built since it's so damn big. Please be patient while we fix this. But, once it's back up and running, you will finally be able to search on 2 letter words, which wasn't available before. You would've also seen that the basic search function brings up a quick popup box - this should make searching faster for you. If you want to fine-tune your search paramaters, just click on the 'advanced search' link at the bottom of the box.

4) Technical Documents
No changes here, but for the past few days the images haven't been showing up - this has now been fixed :)

5) Watched Topics
If you want to watch a topic, this is now known as 'Subscribing' to a topic - you will receive email notifications when someome makes a new post in the subscribed thread. There is also a bookmark option, which saves the thread into the bookmarks section of your control panel - but you dont receive notifications.

Im sure there are plenty of other new little features to make your life easier, so explore and enjoy.


on behalf of the FAG.



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WAGGIN: 2012 Volkswagen Passat Wagon - V6 4Motion.

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