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Turbo i6 conversion 


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 Post subject: Turbo i6 conversion
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:33 am 
Fordmods Newbie

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Hi guys just want to no wat injectors are best suited for me ef falcon turbo want 42lb injectors but so many to buy just want to no wat everyone else is running n if there good n were I get them I have rising rate fuel reg need a fuel pump thinking walbro 255 no ecu mods manual 1673 Wade camshaft tickford head au tripple layer steel headgasket want to run 8psi so wat will I need to set me rising rate reg injectors wat do I need on the running side to stop me engine blowing up pretty much :)))) Check my photos for my turbo kit n cars carnt add image at the moment
 Post subject: Re: Turbo i6 conversion
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:21 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

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Walbro 255 will do the trick or if the old ones not tired try a Bosch 044 inline with a surge tank and a 6:1 rising rate reg with the 42 lb injectors is a good set up
 Post subject: Re: Turbo i6 conversion
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:21 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

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Walbro 255 will do the trick or if the old ones not tired try a Bosch 044 inline with a surge tank and a 6:1 rising rate reg with the 42 lb injectors is a good set up
 Post subject: Re: Turbo i6 conversion
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:12 pm 
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{USERNAME} wrote:
Hi guys just want to no wat injectors are best suited for me ef falcon turbo want 42lb injectors but so many to buy just want to no wat everyone else is running n if there good n were I get them I have rising rate fuel reg need a fuel pump thinking walbro 255 no ecu mods manual 1673 Wade camshaft tickford head au tripple layer steel headgasket want to run 8psi so wat will I need to set me rising rate reg injectors wat do I need on the running side to stop me engine blowing up pretty much :)))) Check my photos for my turbo kit n cars carnt add image at the moment

Try punctuation. It helps to understand what you are writting.

Better to use an aftermarket ECU or SCT chip and get it tuned. But if you don't want to go that way, use a 12:1 FMU and decent injectors.

Is anything done to the motor? If not why decompress, many are running on stock motor with 12psi (Troyman) with a good tune.
 Post subject: Re: Turbo i6 conversion
Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:55 am 
Fordmods Newbie

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But we all know if you want a good set up better to spend the money on making sure u can get the right amount of fuel before a tune, only for them to tell ya its runnin lean which at 12 psi they will
 Post subject: Re: Turbo i6 conversion
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:02 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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STD EEC won't run 42"s with or without rising rate reg..
12 to 1 is just pushing injector static anyway..
Plus it puts way too much load on fuel pump to deliver the volume of fuel under pressure..
Either us J3 port tune
or fit whatever ECU your tuner recomends..
In NSW EMS is popular and works well for around $1200 ...
42Lb injectors will get you up there 250 to 270 RWKW..
Unless you semi skilled you could try ... -c-76.html
Plenty of forums to help you through it..



As in ZOOM 126 edition
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 Post subject: Re: Turbo i6 conversion
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 6:23 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

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Thnx for the info I have a rising rate fuel only tells me psi wats this 12.1 stuff I guess 12psi to every pound of boost? But wat should I set it to I have purchased ba turbo injectors for it and will be going with the walbro 255 pump intake the only thing stopping me from turbocharging all I need to do is the intercooler,fuel reg and computer and pump but pumps easy
Anyone no of a place that's good to tune the car? Dandenong area
The engine I am running is a tickford engine stock I am thinking of removing tickford head and fitting the au head instead with a custom turbo wade cam and vernier cam gear
Also can u guys look at my photos and tell me wat turbo I have and is it good I think it's a to4
 Post subject: Re: Turbo i6 conversion
Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 6:32 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

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I'm not turbo charging the ef either as its way to hi comp has speedway head so keeping that as daily and turbocharging the el ghia!!!
So yeah all I need help on is the rising rate regualator as I dnt understand as mines goes in kpa not 1.1 etc
Also I take the old regualator out and fit the new adapter to rail where old reg was?
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