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Xg falcon van fuel tank venting fumes into cab; faulty evap 


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 Post subject: Xg falcon van fuel tank venting fumes into cab; faulty evap
Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2020 9:07 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

Age: 54

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Joined: 5th May 2014

Ride: ef fairmont falcon

Location: maitland
NSW, Australia

Can anyone please post from a genuine ford workshop manual, the correct direction of the fuel tank to evap cannister ONE WAY.VALVE. Not discussing the purge control solenoid valve, just the ine way valve. Mostly white with a thin black section at one end. A direction arrow imprinted on valve toward the black end indicating flow direction


1 allow air to vent easily from fuel tank toward the cannister and restrict flow from the evap cannister back into tank (makes sense).


2 as i interpret from a genuine ford ef manual, restricted flow from tank toward cannister with unrestricted flow back to fuel tank

Does anyone have a full diagram which includes the direction of white and black nylon one way valve.

The solenoid valve works fine and is unrelated to my question.

Many thanks for your effort in helping out
 Post subject: Re: Xg falcon van fuel tank venting fumes into cab; faulty evap
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2020 8:33 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

Age: 54

Posts: 10

Joined: 5th May 2014

Ride: ef fairmont falcon

Location: maitland
NSW, Australia

So after checking 3 ef falcons and a xg ute its confirmed, from factory the one way valve restricts flow into the canister and allows free flow back to the fuel tank.

Im only guessing its to only allow fumes and no liquids into cannister. And allowing any excess pressure in the cnaister to flow back thru the lines to the fuel tank.

Ive checked 4 x 6cylinder vehicles and they are all set up that way from factory.

Would luv to confirm the theory behind the orientation of the valve
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