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 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:39 pm 

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nope, its only works on the electronic 4 speed auto's
 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:43 pm 
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well.. that sux.. lol
 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 5:17 pm 
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also did trans oil an pan made big difference too with shift kit, plus finally put trans dipstick in au.
 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:59 pm 
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Need a bit of a hand with this kit in my EL GLi. I mixed in a suggestion (around page 20 or so) to use the economy/power switch as the switch. This means using a relay so its a little more involved.

The grey/black wire from pin 27 controls the switch apparently, but I wasn't 100% sure on its operation. I assumed when the switch was closed that the economy setting goes on, but dont have a multimeter to test it :( Anyway so I used that as the switched power for the relay, so that when current goes through, the relay would switch to the NO (normally open, shift kit off) position. Then the other side of the circuit would run through to pin 27, just like the normal economy switch signal would. When the switch is open, the relay would switch to the NC circuit and the kit would turn on.

When I put it in, the kit was always on no matter what the switch was on, so I'm not sure if the grey/black wire is acting in the way I'm thinking. The wiring diagram below isn't exactly what I did, as I had the wire to pin 27 running from the C pin on the relay, so Ill fix it up before I put it back in, as it meant the ECU was always in Econ mode. Plus the extra ground wire seems pretty useless, but thats what it had in the other post. But as the diagram is now, is it correct?



shift kit diagram.png
shift kit diagram.png [ 58.06 KiB | Viewed 630 times ]



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 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 8:24 pm 
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migh be a long shot, but could anyone in or close to Geelong Vic make one of these either the normal switch on and off or adjustible to suit my au xr6? also install?
i would but not sure i want to stuff around with my electrics.
i'll pay for petrol and etc just PM me with a price




 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 11:23 am 
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Just buy one from They even have an install article from StreetFords on their website. Comes with instructions too. Just needs 2 wires cut and joined to the shiftkit.

I could help you if you get stuck but if I can do it anyone can.
 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 2:55 am 
Oompa Loompa

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how do u add a on off switch to this drawing
{USERNAME} wrote:
{USERNAME} wrote:
i just found the tech documents for it can they be a bit larger? bit small to read and would this setup work on a s3 au

jaycar parts ... rm=KEYWORD ... rm=KEYWORD

below diagram is "always on", so adjust where its comfortable for daily driving

 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:07 am 
Oompa Loompa

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is this set up with the pot and a on off switch
{USERNAME} wrote:
Fitted my shift kit up the other day and works great and very happy with the finished product nice and neat.. wet + shift into 2nd = good times :P heres a couple of pics of it all done..


 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:00 am 
Oompa Loompa

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ok nice picture but what the hell who could follow this wireing I would like to see a wire diagram if possible has some one on here have a trim pot wired up with a on off switch
{USERNAME} wrote:
is this set up with the pot and a on off switch there is a diagram on another page but is it correct som one any one please answer this
{USERNAME} wrote:
Fitted my shift kit up the other day and works great and very happy with the finished product nice and neat.. wet + shift into 2nd = good times :P heres a couple of pics of it all done..


 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:08 am 
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{USERNAME} wrote:
ok nice picture but what the hell who could follow this wireing I would like to see a wire diagram if possible has some one on here have a trim pot wired up with a on off switch

what drugs are you on? look at the post right above that one. i might be wrong but it clearly looks like a wiring diagram to me :roll:



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 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:29 am 
Oompa Loompa

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if u mean the drawing wheres, the on off switch, and yeah the one with all the green wires thats hazzy doesnt clearly show what green wires go where .i was after a drawing that shows the trim pot and a on off switch but .i dosent matter found another set of drawing that show every thing even how to connect a led ..from jaycar they are red led with built in resistor sl.2644..and the( 6 post on off on switch spdt st0356) the 3 post switch is 0336 the guy rote down the wrong numbers so i asked jay car ..jaycar catalogue 2012, page 105 second and 3rd switch from the page .....sorry mate if u could follow the photo good on ya but as for the switch i gave up
{USERNAME} wrote:
{USERNAME} wrote:
ok nice picture but what the hell who could follow this wireing I would like to see a wire diagram if possible has some one on here have a trim pot wired up with a on off switch

what drugs are you on? look at the post right above that one. i might be wrong but it clearly looks like a wiring diagram to me :roll:
 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:30 am 
Oompa Loompa

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if u mean the drawing wheres, the on off switch, and yeah the one with all the green wires thats hazzy doesnt clearly show what green wires go where .i was after a drawing that shows the trim pot and a on off switch but .i dosent matter found another set of drawing that show every thing even how to connect a led ..from jaycar they are red led with built in resistor sl.2644..and the( 6 post on off on switch spdt st0356) the 3 post switch is 0336 the guy rote down the wrong numbers so i asked jay car ..jaycar catalogue 2012, page 105 second and 3rd switch from the page .....sorry mate if u could follow the photo good on ya but as for the switch i gave up
{USERNAME} wrote:
{USERNAME} wrote:
ok nice picture but what the hell who could follow this wireing I would like to see a wire diagram if possible has some one on here have a trim pot wired up with a on off switch

what drugs are you on? look at the post right above that one. i might be wrong but it clearly looks like a wiring diagram to me :roll:
 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:36 am 
Oompa Loompa

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also most people are mounting them in the most easyest places to get touched mine is on a flat panell where the ash tray used to be have the switch led then trim pot i will post a pic..later on if this every time i try to put on up it says file to big and thats with it compressed file too i gave up seems to work on my gallery though ..sorry for the extra post hit button twice
 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:00 am 

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{USERNAME} wrote:
ok nice picture but what the hell who could follow this wireing I would like to see a wire diagram if possible has some one on here have a trim pot wired up with a on off switch...

if you take the time to search this thread, there is a diagram with the trim post and a on/off switch...
 Post subject: Re: Shift Kit - Do it yourself
Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:56 am 
Oompa Loompa

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na its cool found a few the other day thats where i found the part number issue ,have all the parts trim pot resister ect .its just the above picture used mosty the same colour wire plus it a bit hazy but its no biggy ,yeah like u said there are heaps of ideas with drawings ect i just wanted a detailed drawing to follow off any way all good .
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