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how to pull down an alternator for an EL/AU and swap bits. 


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 Post subject: Re: how to pull down an alternator for an EL/AU and swap bits.
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 10:16 am 
Getting Side Ways

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Well written article mate and good to have pics at various stages of rebuild.

I have a question.

Did you do a thorough clean to get rid of the dust/ oil or other rubbish found in the body of the alternator and the coil before refurbishing?

If so, what did you use?

I'm also keen to redo an alternator for my AUII eventually, (sooner than later). Always had coolant from radiator hose connecting to water pump seeping into the alternator. Water pump has some corrosion signs where the hose joins on.

Why would Ford place an alternator directly under the water pump beats me.

 Post subject: Re: how to pull down an alternator for an EL/AU and swap bits.
Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:42 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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{USERNAME} wrote:
Well written article mate and good to have pics at various stages of rebuild.

I have a question.

Did you do a thorough clean to get rid of the dust/ oil or other rubbish found in the body of the alternator and the coil before refurbishing?

If so, what did you use?

I'm also keen to redo an alternator for my AUII eventually, (sooner than later). Always had coolant from radiator hose connecting to water pump seeping into the alternator. Water pump has some corrosion signs where the hose joins on.

Why would Ford place an alternator directly under the water pump beats me.

Nah, I gave it a quick degrease with export degreaser once I had the brushes out. gave the coil a quick hose and a wipe and assembled it.. I think the only places that are affected by oil and dirt is the brush/slipring area. make sure that is clean and the rest is fine.. doesn't really matter what it looks like on the inside.
 Post subject: Re: how to pull down an alternator for an EL/AU and swap bits.
Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 1:00 am 
Getting Side Ways

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Thanks for the tip, I'll give that a go. I got an air compressor, should be able to drive any water / moisture out of the electricals before reassembling. Cheers
 Post subject: Re: how to pull down an alternator for an EL/AU and swap bits.
Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 2:24 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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yup.. That's basically all I did.. spray degrease, clean and dry with the air compressor.
 Post subject: Re: how to pull down an alternator for an EL/AU and swap bits.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:55 pm 
Oompa Loompa

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Hi all,
I'll try my luck digging up this old post

I just did an AU2 engine swap on my ED track car.
We tried to be clever an run a short 1360mm belt to bypass the AC pump and tensioner.
It worked for about 6 laps until throwing the belt out.

Seems to be the alternator bearing: the pulley gets red hot and WD40 burns out as soon as I rev it.
The short belt must put to much tension on it, so it's time to come up with a BA tensioner set up.

Anyway, rather than getting a new/salvaged alternator, I'm thinking about replacing the bearing.
Do you guys have a part number or dimensions?
 Post subject: Re: how to pull down an alternator for an EL/AU and swap bits.
Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:14 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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I still have a disassembled alternator setting on a trolley in my shed.. so I'll see if I can find the bearing.
 Post subject: Re: how to pull down an alternator for an EL/AU and swap bits.
Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:42 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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G'day frankieh,

Did you manage to find what type of bearing and bearing number for the AU alternator?

Thanks, Bondy
 Post subject: Re: how to pull down an alternator for an EL/AU and swap bits.
Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 7:41 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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On EF/EL Series the Internals can be swapped from 6 to 8 to repair your 8.

Not so for EB/D

 Post subject: Re: how to pull down an alternator for an EL/AU and swap bits.
Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2020 6:16 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

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{USERNAME} wrote:
On EF/EL Series the Internals can be swapped from 6 to 8 to repair your 8.

Not so for EB/D


Nigel, This should work for the XH too shouldn't it? as the internals are the same BXF1260A 2-pin 110 amp?
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