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1996 Ford Falcon EF XR6 - Loosing Oil Pressure When driving 


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 Post subject: 1996 Ford Falcon EF XR6 - Loosing Oil Pressure When driving
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 1:51 am 
Fordmods Newbie

Age: 31

Posts: 2

Joined: 13th Feb 2024

Ride: Ford Falcon EF XR6

Location: Cape Town
NSW, Australia

Hi all, I'm new here and to the falcon, I recently bought a 1996 EF XR6, that's been standing for a year or two.

Im currently having issues with my oil pressure that keeps on dropping when driving.
I have to switch off the car and start again just to drive few meters before light comes up again, checked car no oil or water leaks... no funny tappet noise when light goes on. Oil and water level normal

I do know previously the 1st and 2nd time it happened my water pipe from the radiator to thermostat housing blew... unsure if its related, but bought a new thermostat that ill be fitting over the weekend.

I've changed oil from 15w40 to 20w40, but read along the forums saying 20w50/high mileage 25w60 oil can keep the oil pressure?

Has anyone ever experienced this? and which oil grade will work 20w50 or 25w60? it has about 321000 km on the clock.
 Post subject: Re: 1996 Ford Falcon EF XR6 - Loosing Oil Pressure When driving
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 3:25 pm 
Oompa Loompa

Age: 48

Posts: 46

Joined: 26th Sep 2017

Ride: El Falcon XR6

Location: Wyndham, Southland,
New Zealand

I have an EL XR6 with the Hybrid motor, which means it has the AU head. I have owned it for over six years now and right from the get go I have had the same problem. The only difference is that my EL only loses oil pressure on hot days. The rest of the time the pressure is lower than I'd like but okay.
I think that I saw a slight improvement after changing the oil pressure sender.
I hope that that helps...
 Post subject: Re: 1996 Ford Falcon EF XR6 - Loosing Oil Pressure When driving
Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:04 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

Age: 31

Posts: 2

Joined: 13th Feb 2024

Ride: Ford Falcon EF XR6

Location: Cape Town
NSW, Australia

Thanks hudsonhawk69, Ill def check at the oil pressure switch over the weekend.
Only downfall is if it is the switch Ill either have to get used as I'm in cape town and no one here sells new parts for the xr6. I only saw a 0.3 bar oil pressure that is universal. Still need to check how the barra engine sender is compared to this engine's switch
 Post subject: Re: 1996 Ford Falcon EF XR6 - Loosing Oil Pressure When driving
Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 9:02 pm 
Fordmods Newbie

Age: 27

Posts: 1

Joined: 14th Mar 2024

Location: Avenue
VIC, Australia

Hi all, I'm new here and to the falcon, I recently bought a 1996 EF XR6, that's been standing for a year or two.

Im currently having issues with my oil pressure that keeps on dropping when driving.
I have to switch off the car and start again just to drive few meters before light comes up again, checked car no oil or water leaks... no funny tappet noise when light goes on. Oil and water level normal

I do know previously the 1st and 2nd time it happened my water pipe from the radiator to thermostat housing blew... unsure if its related, but bought a new thermostat that ill be fitting over the weekend.

I've changed oil from 15w40 to 20w40, but read along the forums saying 20w50/high mileage 25w60 oil can keep the oil pressure?

Has anyone ever experienced this? and which oil grade will work 20w50 or 25w60? it has about 321000 km on the clock.

Regarding the oil grade, for high-mileage engines like yours, thicker oil can sometimes help maintain oil pressure, as it doesn't flow as easily through worn engine components where seals may be compromised. Both 20w50 and 25w60 are thicker oils compared to 15w40 and 20w40, and they could potentially provide better oil pressure in an older, high-mileage engine
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