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SX Territory front drive shaft parts? 


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 Post subject: SX Territory front drive shaft parts?
Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 9:56 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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so i had a clunking noise when under acceleration from the front of the Territory, i jumped to the wrong conclusion and changed both front CV's as it turns out the front drive shaft has basically eaten itself! i went and brought another one from the wreckers but i want to try and refurbish it a bit more before i put it in & yes i should have asked this question before i brought another front drive shaft and possibly save a bit of money!

it doesn't use standard UV joints because of course not! and i have nfi of what parts to look up because every time i try to look up "AWD Territory front drive shaft" to research how it works and what parts to replace i get nothing but front CV's and i've already changed those!



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 Post subject: Re: SX Territory front drive shaft parts?
Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 6:21 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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ok i have eliminated the front drive shaft as the culprit of the clunking noise when you launch it or even give it a bootfull! so far i have changed Both front CV's, front prop shaft, Rubber Coupling, what the heck could be left??

also my tc light and ABS light is on, the code scanner comes back as a faulty brake pressure sensor, does anyone have a part number for that? or do i need to swap out the entire ABS module?



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 Post subject: Re: SX Territory front drive shaft parts?
Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 6:03 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Territory Update; so far i have changed out the ABS module with no change to the ABS light, i put it back on the scanner and the issue went to the left wheel speed sensor! i changed it out and the light went off then i went for a short drive and the ABS light came back on!, i put it back on the scanner and low and behold the OTHER wheel speed sensor is fryed which i'll change out later!

but back to my original post regarding clunking noises when accelerating, it sounds like teeth skipping over each other which made me jump to the wrong conclusion that it was the CV axles, i then jumped to the conclusion that it was the front wheel hubs that were chewed out so i replaced those with no luck, then front driveshaft - no luck, front diff bushes replaced - no luck!

so now i'm down to either a munted front diff or a flogged out transfer case, i cant seem to find ANYTHING to do with either of those things, i've tried looking for "SY Territory Front stub axles" hoping i could possibly change them out without having to drop the e n t i r e front end out but no luck!

and i've tried looking for "SY Territory transfer case chain" because i've been told that these do stretch if abused but again nothing but all i can find is those stupid landrover parts!

if anyone can give me any part numbers or steer me in the right direction to any place that might be able to help it would be appreciated!



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 Post subject: Re: SX Territory front drive shaft parts?
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 4:38 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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ok update; after more investigation by another (better) Mechanic it was found that the front diff carrier bearings are flogged out and thats what is making the noise when i accelerate! I've been trying to find new bearings to fit but i havent been able find anything unless i can find some information on what type of front diff an "NA SY Territory Ghia" has

can anyone help identify the front diff in an 2005 NA SY Territory, is it called an M80 like the rear diff or does it have it's own designation?



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 Post subject: Re: SX Territory front drive shaft parts?
Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2024 9:24 pm 
Fordmods Junkie
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{USERNAME} wrote:

can anyone help identify the front diff in an 2005 NA SY Territory, is it called an M80 like the rear diff or does it have it's own designation?

does it not have a sticker on either diffs?. i know my rear is


which i'm led to believe is a M86 diff?.

or ask here - {DESCRIPTION} for any help with parts. GT Legend is very helpful.
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