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BRY40L's garage. bf xr. 


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 Post subject: Re: BRY40L's garage. bf xr.
Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:54 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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underdrive is now fitted, not a big gain at all but something that is noticable.

had to modify the tool after the lousy pricks on ebay didnt reply to me when i told them their product was faulty, "partzoo's" was their name left them bad feed back but it just got thrown on the pile with the other complaining people.
fitted some l.e.d lights to my number plate lights and thats something ive wanted to do since buying the car, a little mod that definatly enhances the look of the car.
i also put a new globe in my fog lights today so they both worked, altho i wouldnt mind dropping some brighter white globes in the entire front end to make it look a little more modern, but im not really into those bright cheap H.I.Ds people are raving about, mostly hate the fact that i drive a work car at night and every other C*** with them blinds me!!

have just ordered my old red "bry-40l" number plates for the bf seeing as i havent been as generous to this car as my others, this one kind of just served a purpose- to drive to and from for the past 2 years but i decided to give it something back



xr8 snorkel,typhoon lower snorkel,territory intake pipe,20% underdrive kit,pacemaker extractors,high flow cat,xforce exhaust,t56 conversion hd turbo clutch/ flywheel,m86 3.45 lsd,custom tune187.1rwkw as an auto

 Post subject: Re: BRY40L's garage. bf xr.
Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:33 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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the mod bug bit again and i picked up pacies,high flow cat and xforce exhaust all together for $450 locally and fitted it all up, car loves life with these little bolt ons ive done.
starting to look at a manual trans conversion as my auto is still acting up, altho i have already purchased a low km btr off a friend i think the manual may be the better investment.
car still looks stock because for a daily its the only way to have a car in my opinion, no worries of mags getting scratched/ stolen, no police attention and no worries of speed humps or driveways.
looking at superchargers but i may be day dreaming again :D



xr8 snorkel,typhoon lower snorkel,territory intake pipe,20% underdrive kit,pacemaker extractors,high flow cat,xforce exhaust,t56 conversion hd turbo clutch/ flywheel,m86 3.45 lsd,custom tune187.1rwkw as an auto

 Post subject: Re: BRY40L's garage. bf xr.
Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 10:52 am 
Getting Side Ways
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Car pulled 186 rwkw last night after a full custom tune,fuel economy is better and shifts are much firmer. Next up should be a man pedal conversion.



xr8 snorkel,typhoon lower snorkel,territory intake pipe,20% underdrive kit,pacemaker extractors,high flow cat,xforce exhaust,t56 conversion hd turbo clutch/ flywheel,m86 3.45 lsd,custom tune187.1rwkw as an auto

 Post subject: Re: BRY40L's garage. bf xr.
Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:11 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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xr8 snorkel,typhoon lower snorkel,territory intake pipe,20% underdrive kit,pacemaker extractors,high flow cat,xforce exhaust,t56 conversion hd turbo clutch/ flywheel,m86 3.45 lsd,custom tune187.1rwkw as an auto

 Post subject: Re: BRY40L's garage. bf xr.
Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:00 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Thats awesome power considering only basic bolt on mods have been done!
B series a becoming more and more tempting...



Weekender: 07 BFII XR6T - Conquer
Retired: 1992 EBII SXR6 - Black Pearl

 Post subject: Re: BRY40L's garage. bf xr.
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:24 am 
Getting Side Ways
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with the added weight from the b series its probably equal to an e series with a mild cam and an exhaust,
cars got good torque on hills now.
i was looking into cams but i think losing vct is going to be a backwards move on a daily driver, the power gained up top will probably not be worth the loss of vct and power at the bottom.
might do diff gears if my centre bush is shagged and has to come out
all performance mods including the tune have only cost me 1300-1400 doll hairs all up.



xr8 snorkel,typhoon lower snorkel,territory intake pipe,20% underdrive kit,pacemaker extractors,high flow cat,xforce exhaust,t56 conversion hd turbo clutch/ flywheel,m86 3.45 lsd,custom tune187.1rwkw as an auto

 Post subject: Re: BRY40L's garage. bf xr.
Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 4:42 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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{USERNAME} wrote:
with the added weight from the b series its probably equal to an e series with a mild cam and an exhaust

That phrase is interesting because I went and test drove a BFII fairmont ghia on the weekend and besides the ZF auto being amazing to drive with the 6 cylinder I didn't notice it having that much more power then my e series either...
It just felt a lot smoother and obviously shifted a lot quicker!

I think yours with either diff gears or another pedal would get it moving a lot better :wink:



Weekender: 07 BFII XR6T - Conquer
Retired: 1992 EBII SXR6 - Black Pearl

 Post subject: Re: BRY40L's garage. bf xr.
Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:11 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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{USERNAME} wrote:
{USERNAME} wrote:
with the added weight from the b series its probably equal to an e series with a mild cam and an exhaust

That phrase is interesting because I went and test drove a BFII fairmont ghia on the weekend and besides the ZF auto being amazing to drive with the 6 cylinder I didn't notice it having that much more power then my e series either...
It just felt a lot smoother and obviously shifted a lot quicker!

I think yours with either diff gears or another pedal would get it moving a lot better :wink:

yeah my mate sold me an automagic box and torque convertor with 130.000km with clean fluid in it(possibly serviced its whole life) and i just got it installed and a full service done including a torque convertor fluid fill because i drained it, and it seems to be putting more power down through this transmission, only downfall is its down shifts are a bit garbage, but it had to be put in asap as i sold my second car recently and the old trans was leaking fluid badly from the top somewhere after its last service and it had been internally stuffed for a while.

i asked about diff gears at my mechanic but being a b series its a big job removing the cradle and pulling the centre out, i dont think the cost vs benefit is as good as the manual, unless i get a full typhoon 3.7 geared diff and just swap cradle and all.

the zf box is good but very expensive to service and repair,



xr8 snorkel,typhoon lower snorkel,territory intake pipe,20% underdrive kit,pacemaker extractors,high flow cat,xforce exhaust,t56 conversion hd turbo clutch/ flywheel,m86 3.45 lsd,custom tune187.1rwkw as an auto

 Post subject: Re: BRY40L's garage. bf xr.
Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:12 am 
Getting Side Ways
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well i drove the car 3 hrs to my dads towing my brothers box trailer with a roof top camper bolted to it and the btr is f**k, slips and carries on like a right prick when you try to accelerate just enough to go back a gear and go around a truck, it cant seem to decide how to find the backward gear and when it does it lets off an all mighty bang as it grabs, suprise suprise i got ripped off by someone close to me :evil:

anyway moving on and ive just secured myself a t56 conversion for what i considered to be pretty cheap, much cheaper than the wreckers are asking for the damn things, will need to save up the dosh for a decent clutch so the car goes together and works once and for all!
this also means ill be chasing an lsd as my car is the awesome 3.45 single pegger :lol:
hopefully i find a cheapish tyhpoon diff and cradle for the 3.7 gears and lsd.



xr8 snorkel,typhoon lower snorkel,territory intake pipe,20% underdrive kit,pacemaker extractors,high flow cat,xforce exhaust,t56 conversion hd turbo clutch/ flywheel,m86 3.45 lsd,custom tune187.1rwkw as an auto

 Post subject: Re: BRY40L's garage. bf xr.
Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:44 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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t56 goodness :D

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xr8 snorkel,typhoon lower snorkel,territory intake pipe,20% underdrive kit,pacemaker extractors,high flow cat,xforce exhaust,t56 conversion hd turbo clutch/ flywheel,m86 3.45 lsd,custom tune187.1rwkw as an auto

 Post subject: Re: BRY40L's garage. bf xr.
Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 11:20 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Fg manifold conversion? they say retuned with the fg manifold ill be at 200 rwkw unopened? Could be something worth looking into further, also fg engines have a "fast burn" cylinder head and a slight bump up in compression? This also may be looked into further. I think behind a manual 240 rwkw unopened on an fg engine could be done?



xr8 snorkel,typhoon lower snorkel,territory intake pipe,20% underdrive kit,pacemaker extractors,high flow cat,xforce exhaust,t56 conversion hd turbo clutch/ flywheel,m86 3.45 lsd,custom tune187.1rwkw as an auto

 Post subject: Re: BRY40L's garage. bf xr.
Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:04 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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how have you not blown this pus bucket up yet ;)



did someone call 9 1 HOLY s**t?

 Post subject: Re: BRY40L's garage. bf xr.
Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2018 4:51 pm 
Getting Side Ways
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Hey Bry40L,was behind you today and I have to say your BF looks pretty shmick + was very surprised at how good the venetians look,don't think they would work in all B series but yours look great-well done mate!



XG DOHC-BARRA 182/Turbo kit/20% Underdrive and BA 4-SPEED + Tiptronic shifter

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