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xr6 engine conversion into my eb. 


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 Post subject: Re: xr6 engine conversion into my eb.
Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 8:53 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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kinda sux but good because i need to re do the gasket glue on the timing chain cover coz it leaks a little bit. So tomorrow il check my spark plugs, if there ok il go a head and take out the radiator and timing chain cover and check it out. I also noticed there is abit more than normal pressure coming out the exhaust aswell.
 Post subject: Re: xr6 engine conversion into my eb.
Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 7:32 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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{USERNAME} wrote:
well job done :D got the cog lined back up.. Im trying a epoxy you add resin and hardner, it spode to hold up to 350kg.. I dont think these things are going to stick to the gearbox shaft very well tho, but will see how we go with this.. My mate used a drill, he had it lined up and pushing all his weight down on it and it was not drilling in, the drill bit was bending.. I think id need to get diamond tiped drill bits to drill this shaft if this epoxy dose not work..

A sharp and Correct angle and back grinding the drill bit helps with drilling, obviously if it wasn't a cricoaly peoce like an putput sharft i would also tell you to heat it and let it cool so it's soft



did someone call 9 1 HOLY s**t?

 Post subject: Re: xr6 engine conversion into my eb.
Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 11:41 am 
Getting Side Ways

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well got my timing chain cover put back on with a good gasket glue to seal it. I checked my timing and the marks all lined up, so im all good in the front of the engine :D .. I took all the spark plugs out and number 5 and 6 plugs were wet, so i layed them all across the top of the engine to earth them, cranked the engine over. Them 2 were not sparking, went and got 2new coils pluged them up and im getting all 6sparking now :D .. Sad to say i still get the p1132 code saying the pcm is trying to adjust a rich mixture. Im not getting any more smoke in the inlet manifold but still get a puff of black smoke if i give it a hard fast rev. Im thinking about swaping number2 and 3 injector plug back to how they were, the car seem to run abit worse since i swaped them around. When i start it cold it runs at about 800rpm then sits at about 700 to 750rpm warmed up but when i drop it in to gear it drops down to 600rpm
 Post subject: Re: xr6 engine conversion into my eb.
Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 11:47 am 
Getting Side Ways

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ye i been thinking about the speedo cog on the shaft, worse case if it dose not hold, it will suck a** but il be prepaired to spend a few days grinding and drilling at it to get the hole i need. I would not let a couple of days more work stop me :D i would even go bye a $100 drill bit coated in diamond if i had to hahaha :D
 Post subject: Re: xr6 engine conversion into my eb.
Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 11:00 am 
Getting Side Ways

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s**t this car is kicking my a**... To sum up what i have done the past week.. Fixed my timing chain cover oil leak, checked my spark plugs and coils, only to find 5 and 6 spark plugs were wet as, and number 5 was not sparking, got a new coil and got all 6 sparking. I still had a running rich problem so i took the spark plugs back out. Number 5spark plug is not wet, but 6 still is and not sparking now, so i got a new coil for 6 aswell. Still did not fix my problem, I forgot to check the spark plug gap so i took them out again and number 6 plug is still wet and the gap on all plugs was about 1.1 and it spoze to be 1.3 so i fixed that and I swaped number 1 and 6 spark plugs around. So now if number 6 plug gets wet il have to check the 6 injector of leaks. After i did the gaps the car idled on cold at about 850/900rpm then droped to about 750rpm. The good thing was when i put it in gear it held its rpm and did not drop down to around 500/600rpm.. So im thinking i may need a new spark plug or a new injector if i cant fix it..
 Post subject: Re: xr6 engine conversion into my eb.
Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 1:22 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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I just took out 1 and 6 spark plug and because i swaped them over yesterday 6 should have been dry but its wet so im guessing its number 6 injector letting to much fuel in. Maybe not closeing all the way or blocked open.
 Post subject: Re: xr6 engine conversion into my eb.
Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 5:27 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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no work on my car for 8weeks.. had to go for a hernia operation. Im pretty sure im down to number 6 fuel injector leaking to much fuel in to the cylinder so in about 8 weeks il pull out the fuel rail and fix or replace the injector.
 Post subject: Re: xr6 engine conversion into my eb.
Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:50 pm 
Fordmods Junkie
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hopefully that's ALL! ... hope ya go well with the op . . rest it
 Post subject: Re: xr6 engine conversion into my eb.
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 12:15 am 
Getting Side Ways

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ahhh I have had so much stuff going on lately.. I changed my number 6 injector and still did not fix the car.. I took it in to a mechanic that dose electrics and mechanical and he cant figure out whats wrong with it ether.. He sez the injectors and spark plugs are ok, he also sez the timing and firing order is ok.. He told me he work on 1 car that had low water level and the temp sensors on the head were reading different so the computer made the car misfire so he would take it in to get looked at. With my car he sez the pcm might be making my engine run like this because the oil light is on, he looked at the oil pressure switch and sed it has power and is sending the signal to the pcm, he thinks it might be in the programming of the pcm or a fault in my wiring.
 Post subject: Re: xr6 engine conversion into my eb.
Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2017 1:11 pm 
Getting Side Ways

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well got my car back home from the mechanics. He tells me the oil pressure switch is ok and it is sending a signal to the pcm but because the oil light is on, the signal from the pcm to the dash is not there, and because of that the pcm is making the car run rough because it thinks there is a problem with the oil pressure. What i dont get is the can HI/can Lo controls the oil and a few other things on the dash like speedo, tacho. the oil light is the only thing not working, the signals for every thing else is coming thru the canHi/canLo and working them on the instrument cluster exept the oil pressure signal.
 Post subject: Re: xr6 engine conversion into my eb.
Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 8:52 pm 
Fordmods Junkie
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bugga! .... sorry canna help ya out :(
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